Cooperations and Partners

Knowledge and technology transfer between science and industry play an important role regarding technological leadership and the companies success of R&D projects. In this context WISTO offers individual support for businesses and researchers.

Our partner networks

Service Overview

  • Identification and selection of regional, national and international research institutions as cooperation partners
  • Arranging joint research projects
  • Applying of subsidies for technological cooperation projects
  • Advisory support for joint research projects during project phase
  • Managing thematic networks (e.g. Smart Textiles Platform Austria)

WISTO takes pro-active measures to support corporate technology transfer in general:

  • Screening of technology providers and opening their service portfolio up to regional companies (e.g. Hydrogen Austria)
  • Development and maintenance of an international experts network
  • Support of companies to gain access to competence centers (e.g. COMET)
  • Cross-regional networking and information for SMEs (DIH West)
  • Gateway to the services of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) for companies in Vorarlberg
  • Organisation of site visits to scientific institutions and technology providers
  • Organisation of local technology centered events

More Information

Please contact us for more information on how WISTO can help you to find the right technology suppliers or R&D partners.

(c) Alexandra Folie, WISTO | studioWälder