The Startup Vorarlberg GmbH helps…
…technology and creative business oriented start-ups to evaluate their business ideas at a very early stage.
The Startup Vorarlberg GmbH supports…
…founders and founding teams in the preparation and during the start-up phase.
The Startup Vorarlberg GmbH supports…
…young companies in their development and growth after their foundation.
Service Overview
- Coaching in idea assessment, business plan development, budgeting
- Consulting on application of funds
- Support in building networks (cooperation partners, stakeholders)
- Stimulation of regional founding activities by targeted events and communication activities
Our current activities are:
- Individual, free consultation for entrepreneurs with special focus on high-tech, innovation, R&D and/or creative industries
- i2b Business Plan Contest
- C hoch 3 Coaching events for entrepreneurs in creative industries
- Specific networking and information events for entrepreneurs
Comprehensive Support
You are also welcome tu use our other free WISTO services to further develop your start-up idea, your products, bsuiness models or services:
- Analyze the current state of the art and the situation of competitors in the market together wit us in a patent and technology search,
- Clarify legal questions as part of the patent consultation day,
- Find out about future technologies at our technology events,
- Find suitable funding programs that will support your projects financially,
- Find sutiable skilled workers trough the CHANCENLAND VORARLBERG initiative,
- Use the Außenwirtschaft Österreich (AW) and the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) to support the internationalization of your company and teh cross-border distribution of your products and services,
- and many more
(c) Sodex Innovations | studioWälder