Patent Consultation
WISTO, Dornbirn
The Team of CHANCENLAND VORARLBERG attends career fairs and organises networking events for (mainly technical) students all year round. Vorarlberg based companies can join these events and fairs together with us in order to recruit talents and strengthen their employer brand within an interesting target group.
At our CHANCENLAND VORARLBERG events we connect students and companies within different settings. Our goal is to inform about the states economy in general, about the companies, their career chances and to attract young talents to the region. Companies join our events and inform about job offerings, internships and projects. The settings of these events is informal and different, e. g. pub quizes, speed datings, minigolf challenges, sunset cruises.
We attend career fairs in Austria and Germany in order to inform students about career chances and companies in Vorarlberg. We do that mostly together with companies, so you can join us.
All dates and details at chancenland.at/events.
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